Coconut Oil Addict

If you haven’t already, say hello to coconut oil. There are hundreds of ways that coconut oil can be used as a healthy substitute for your daily needs. Call me a coco addict, because I use this stuff for EVERYTHING!

To get all “sciencey” on you, virgin, or unrefined, coconut oil is unique from other various oils mainly because it contains 92% of saturated fat. This is the highest percentage of saturated fat found in any fat. HOWEVER, this magical oil does not contain cholesterol.

Virgin coconut oil also contains a high percentage of medium-chain triglycerides. A medium-chain triglyceride is a “partially” man-made fat. It’s name refers to the way the carbon atoms are arranged (okay enough about O-Chem). Studies show that MCTs help burn extra calories and can assist with weight loss. MCTs are directed from the intestinal tract straight to the liver. In the liver they will be burned off as fuel and raise the metabolic rate.

Cooking with VCO is one of the best changes you can make in the kitchen. It has a strong resistance to high temperatures and doesn’t go rancid. This means that it has a high smoke point and is resilient to oxidation. When foods go rancid, the nutritional value decreases and can sometimes cause food illness. Cooking with VCO as opposed to olive oil can be a healthy substitute and you don’t have to worry about it going bad when cooking/sautéing.

Not only are there internal health benefits to consuming VCO, but SO many external benefits. Nearly half of the fatty acids found in coconut oil are Lauric. Lauric acids are extremely beneficial for killing bacteria, viruses, and fungi. This means that coconut oil is an antibacterial! To get the most potent antibacterial properties A Journal of Medicinal Food study found that virgin coconut oil carries the most potent antibacterial properties.

I use coconut oil as a deep hair conditioning treatment. Simply brush VCO through your hair and leave it in for at least 20 minutes. The longer, the better though. I sometimes sleep overnight with my hair absorbing it’s moisturizing and damage preventing elements.

Nothing gets mascara off your lashes better than VCO. I use it everyday to gently remove my make up. As I mentioned above, properly moisturizing hair will help it stay stronger longer. Essentially this applies to your eyelashes too. I notice my lashes grow longer and don't fall out as easily when I properly moisturize them.

VCO makes for a natural and healthy skin moisturizer. VCO’s natural fatty acid properties create a lasting moisturizer. It can be used for dry skin, dandruff, and lip balm. I have the world's most sensitive skin so if I ever get an irritated rash from jewelry or razor bumps, I will apply VCO and by the next morning the rash is gone.

As you can see, I don’t live a day without using coconut oil in many different ways. Give it a try. Be sure to purchase the organic virgin coconut oil.